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National Dengue Day 2024: Strategies to ward off mosquitoes

Synopsis : This National Dengue day 2024, it is important that we all stay bite-free and take precautionary measures to prevent Dengue. With the arrival of monsoon season, sick illnesses like dengue that are spread by mosquitoes. 


National Dengue Day 2024: Strategies to ward off mosquitoes
News Street Asia

New Delhi/ News Desk, May 17, 2024

The arrival of the monsoon season increases sick illnesses like dengue that are spread by mosquitoes. The rainy season is one of the happiest seasons for Indians, but the rainy season has advantages and disadvantages. Due to excess rainfall, sometimes standing water provides a breeding habitat for mosquitoes, and dengue cases tend to increase during the rainy season. 

Millions of people are impacted globally by dengue, and especially children are always at risk. Parents should be very careful during the rainy season, because dengue is a transmitted disease. The infections start spreading very soon due to which most cases are reported during monsoon. 

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In India, the first dengue-like illness was recorded in Madras in 1780 and the first virologically proven epidemic of dengue fever occurred in Calcutta and the Eastern coast of India in 1963-1964. 

Dengue fever is caused by four types of dengue viruses. The disease doesn’t can spread to another person from being around them but there are other various reasons dengue is spread. Dengue is primarily spread through mosquito bites. 

Dengue Symptoms

 Most of them who get dengue are usually not aware of the symptoms, but those who get the symptoms are high fever, headache, body aches, nausea, and rash. Dengue lasts for 1-2 weeks, some people develop severe dengue and need care in a hospital. 

  1. High fever- if the fever exceeds 104 degrees, consult a doctor because this is one of the main reasons for dengue.  
  2. Severe headache- There are mild headaches, but then if the headache is severe this is also one of the reasons and symptoms of dengue. 
  3. Muscle joint pains- the pain in muscles and joints tend to happen when there is a lot of excursion or exercise. But if the pain is not because of any reason it might be because of dengue.

Significance of Dengue Day 

Dengue Day is observed to start a conversation regarding the disease and get to know more about the treatment facilities that are accessible and can help in combating the disease. The other reason to celebrate this day is to spread awareness because awareness is the first step in prevention. Only when we spread awareness it reaches thousands of them and then everyone will be aware of the same. 

Ways to Prevent Dengue 

  1. Stay in well-screened houses – Ensure that the windows are closed properly, or the doors should not contain holes. This practice will eliminate the chances of any mosquitoes entering the house. Mosquitoes are responsible for spreading vector-borne diseases, they are most active between the period from dawn to dusk. 
  2. Use Mosquito Repellents – Apply mosquito repellent creams on your body while travelling to tropical destinations and even inside the house. Children or infants can opt for mosquito patches, mosquito bands, and mosquito wipes that are available in the country. 
  3. Reduce Mosquito Habitat- The mosquitoes which breed dengue thrive in stagnant water containing objects like tyres, plastic, covers, flowers, pots, and water bowls. Reducing the habitat available for these mosquitoes can help prevent dengue. 

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  1. Sleep under a mosquito net- sleeping under the mosquito net will provide a double layer of protection from being bitten by mosquitoes. 
  2. Protective clothing- To avoid being bitten by mosquitoes, wear full-sleeve clothes, wearing sleeveless can be avoided as the chances are high of being bitten by mosquitoes. 
  3. Don’t let water stagnate- Stagnant water that has not been emptied out leads to mosquito breeding. Try to empty the flower pots, clean and change the water bowls of your pet, keep an eye on water pipes if they are in perfect order and keep covering any vessel or drum that is specifically used to store water. 

About Author

This Article has been written by Ms Vijaya Pramodini SK, an aspiring journalist, who is currently dedicated to her studies in Journalism and communication. With a keen eye for authenticity, she strives to uncover and present the real facts, embodying the principles of ethical journalism.


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