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Air India Express Grapples with Mass Crew Call-In Sick, Leaving Passengers Stranded

Synopsis : Air India Express faced mass flight cancellations due to a cabin crew "sickout" protest. This comes after similar pilot issues at Vistara, another Tata airline slated for merger. The Tata Group's aviation consolidation plan faces challenges due to labor discontent


Air India Express Grapples with Mass Crew Call-In Sick, Leaving Passengers Stranded
News Street Asia

New Delhi/ News Desk, May 8, 2024

Air India Express, a budget airline owned by the Tata Group, has been hit by a wave of flight cancellations after a significant portion of its cabin crew members reported sick at the last minute. This unexpected development has left hundreds of passengers stranded and frustrated.

70 Flights Grounded

Official sources claim over 70 flights, including both domestic and international routes, were grounded on Wednesday due to a shortage of cabin crew. The real reason behind the shortage, however, appears to be a silent protest by the crew. Reports suggest that around 300 senior cabin crew members strategically called in sick and switched off their phones, effectively grounding flights.

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“last-minute sick leave” – Impact

Air India Express, in an official statement, acknowledged the disruptions and apologized for the inconvenience caused to passengers. They blamed “last-minute sick leave” amongst the crew for the cancellations and assured passengers they were actively working to minimize disruptions.

The airline offered a full refund or rescheduling options to those affected by the cancellations. However, this did little to soothe the anger and frustration of passengers who took to social media to vent their disappointment, many complaining of a complete lack of information regarding the sudden cancellations.

Roots of the Discontent

Sources close to the situation suggest that the mass sick leave is a form of protest by the cabin crew against alleged unfair labour practices following the airline’s acquisition by the Tata Group. Senior crew members claim that some colleagues were offered lower positions within the company despite clearing interviews for higher ones.

Concerns have been raised regarding modifications or removal of key components of the previously existing compensation package. Sources suggest that the airline management is attempting to suppress dissenting voices within the crew.

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The Road Ahead

The Tata Group’s ambitious plan to consolidate the Indian aviation sector by merging Air India, Air India Express, Vistara, and AIX Connect (formerly AirAsia India) seems to be facing initial turbulence. Addressing the concerns of the crew across these airlines and ensuring transparency in labor practices will be crucial to navigating these challenges and achieving a smooth transition.

About Author

This Article has been written by Ms Sayani Mondal, who is a Defense and security enthusiast with interest in geopolitical analysis and cyber threats. She is skilled researcher with a passion for applying academic knowledge to real-world national security challenges.


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